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Christmas Cheer Drop-in

Glögg with candle, nut and ginger snaps

Share a little Christmas cheer with the team of ICHL and other internationals in the community.

Welcome to join us to enjoy some traditional Swedish "glögg" (mulled wine), “pepparkakor” (ginger snaps) and other sweets to nibble on.

The team of ICHL will be welcoming you and other internationals in the community, and we are looking forward to share a little Christmas cheer with you. There will also be time to ask questions and get support, if needed.

Looking forward to seeing you!


To get information about the next date for this event, welcome to:

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Live at Vårfrugatan 1 B, Lund.


  • This is an open event, no registration is needed.
  • During ICHL events we sometimes take photographs and short film clips to profile our activities. We process and publish these photographs under the legal basis of public interest, in article 6.1 e in the GDPR. Please let us know if you don’t want to be in any photos/films before we start the event.
Christmas decorations
