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Universities and further education

Further education in southern Sweden is a popular choice for many. Not only is Lund University, one of the top 100 universities in the world located here, but also Malmö University just a 10-minute train ride from Lund. Educational institutes focusing on competence development can also be found throughout the region.

Lund University buildning. 

Universities in Lund and the Skåne region

Lund University

Malmö University

World Maritime University, Malmö

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU Alnarp

Kristianstad University

The website Study in Sweden offers information about the basic structure of Swedish higher education

Higher vocational education

Higher Vocational Education (Yrkeshögskolan) is a post-secondary form of education that combines theoretical and practical studies in close cooperation with employers and industry. Programmes are offered in specific fields where there is an explicit demand for competence.

Higher vocational education

Guidance in your choice of study

Whichever adult education you are interested in, be it Swedish language studies, vocational studies or some other type of studies, it is worth contacting your municipalities Counselling Centre “Vägledningscentrum”. Here you will find free services offered by the different municipalities offering guidance in your choice of study.

Lund Counselling Centre (Vägledningscentrum Lund)

Education from preschool to adult education, Malmö City

If you live in another municipality please check their website for more information.

Recognize your foreign qualifications

If you already hold a degree in higher education, The Swedish Council for Higher Education, UHR, provides a free service through its website to validate your foreign qualifications. This is valuable when applying to university in Sweden or for employment in particular fields.

UHR - Recognition of foreign qualifications
