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"I have started exploring different things and hobbies and capturing all the little moments for memories. I started a Youtube channel to share all the information on our life abroad. I also love cycling and like to romanticise the beauty of Sweden."
Hi! I am Minajbanu and I moved with my husband and son, from India to Sweden, in July 2021 due to my husband's job relocation.
As a family, we always wanted to travel abroad and experience a different culture and their living and when this opportunity came up we couldn't say no and happily accepted this as an adventure.
Of course, just like other expats, who are coming on a dependent or spouse visa, I also had the same concern about my job. And having a Dental profession made it, even harder for me to find a job in Sweden.
In Sweden, if you want to practice as a Dentist, you require a Swedish dental license and to get that you have to clear certain examinations, which would be in the Swedish language. And according to my research, the average time to get a Dental license is 2-4 years.
As soon as we moved to Sweden, we applied for our Person Numbers, my son's preschool and Swedish language school for me. Because there will be a waiting period and it may take time to get a place. I and my son got a place after 2 months of waiting period.
I joined SFI in Malmö as an Intensive course (25 hours a week). They have many batches with different timings which you can choose and I found it so convenient and the best thing is it's free for all! It helped me so much to make more friends and made me realise I am not alone who is struggling. Without any doubt, Swedish plays a major role in your expat life to get a new social life and of course jobs.
Be open-minded, talk and socialise!
Now-a-days social media can really help to find your own community with like-minded people. I found an Indian Group on Facebook and started attending and participating as a volunteer in all the cultural activities which they organised during all Indian festivals which are helping me to make a little less homesick which is a very common to feel in a new country!
Through Instagram, I made one friend and met her in Malmö and got information about the Kick Start Program and the International Citizen Hub Lund.
So, very soon I found all the information which I was looking for.
Before I joined this program I was so worried about my Career gap but the Kick-Start Program (KSP) by International Citizen Hub Lund, made me feel that a Career break is a brave thing which takes courage to take, and moving abroad by leaving your comfort zone to achieve something you have dreamed of, is a positive thing which you can highlight in your Interview but not hide or feel bad about it.
From KSP, I got to know how the hiring system works here in Sweden and also about the work cultures which I believe is a very important thing to know before starting your career here as all countries' cultures and systems are different from each other. In short, KSP is all in one package if you are clueless about your job search.
Another thing I loved is how the International Citizen Hub Lund welcomes all newbies and tries to help not just for the job search, but also to make valuable connections and amazing friends from all around the world. Their contribution to each expat’s life is so inspiring and motivating.
I have started exploring different things and hobbies and capturing all the little moments for memories. I started a Youtube channel to share all the information on our life abroad. I also love cycling and like to romanticise the beauty of Sweden.
My plans are to learn Swedish as soon as possible and apply for jobs in the healthcare fields for experience. While learning Swedish, I am taking up opportunities to try something new and keep learning new skills. I might also start further education to freshen up my CV and to update new skills.
The last thing I want to add is that your patience and willingness can definitely help you overcome from any situation.
If you wish to chat about life in Sweden, you can connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn. I am just a DM away.
Warm Wishes,
/ Minajbanu Memon
Linkedin profile of Minajbanu Memon