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Msunmola Adedokun

"I realized the things I should and should not have included in my applications and how my CV structure, job applications and expectations were not aligned to the Swedish job market. In addition to the tips and resources shared by the hub, I observed a boost in my confidence that affected my approach and strategy. I started to make contact with recruiters, professionals in my field and booked a few informational interviews."

Moving to Sweden

I moved to Sweden in the spring of 2018 to join my husband who got a job in Malmö after his master's programme in Linköping University. Moving to Sweden came with mixed feelings, leaving my family, friends and a comfortable life with a good job to move to a country I have never visited and where English is not the first language(even though most people speak it). I applied for a master’s programme before I relocated to Sweden, as it was an opportunity to study again because my full time job did not leave me with enough time for studies. I was also keen on keeping busy, learning and meeting new people.

After studying

After the completion of my one-year master’s programme, my job search was in full swing. It was a difficult and somewhat depressing time because I received only one response from the numerous applications I submitted. I wondered what I was doing wrong and sometimes doubted my skills and abilities. I cannot remember how I came across International Citizens Hub Lund (ICHL) - it was either through LinkedIn or through a friend. I checked the website and was interested in what they do. The hub felt like a safe haven with answers to many questions that I had. When the opportunity to join the Kick-Start Program (KSP) came, I applied immediately and was glad to get a place. Despite being a participant of the fall 2020 KSP program during the pandemic (most sessions were online), I learnt a lot from the program. I realized the things I should and should not have included in my applications and how my CV structure, job applications and expectations were not aligned to the Swedish job market. In addition to the tips and resources shared by the hub, I observed a boost in my confidence that affected my approach and strategy. I started to make contact with recruiters, professionals in my field and booked a few informational interviews. After a short while, I began to receive positive feedback from recruiters. I did not get a job yet, but it was encouraging. I knew I was almost at the end of the dark tunnel.


In December 2020, I applied to Jobbsprånget for a 4-month internship opportunity. Of the five positions I applied for, I was invited for three interviews and I received internship offers from two organizations, which was very exciting. I chose the organization with the position that best suited my career path and a month into my internship, I received a contract as a Global training coordinator.

What next

For now Sweden is home to me - I am happy for an opportunity to add value to my company and the society as well as to grow my career. My success story in Sweden is not complete without ICHL. Thank you Cynthia, Lisa and everyone at ICHL. Fellow internationals do not let the silence or no response from your applications affect your confidence, remember you are valuable and all you need is one yes.

/ Mosunmola Adedokun

To the Linkedin profile of Mosunmola Adedokun
